Fractions, Decimals and Percentages
Fractions, decimals and percentages are all forms for expressing parts of a whole and each can be represented in any of the three forms. For example, the fraction ½ can be represented as a decimal (0.5) or as a percentage (50%).
Children use fractions such as ½ in their everyday language from an early age, i.e. they are 4½ years old, or they ate ½ an apple. This continues on to finding ¼, ½ and ¾ of shapes, then of an hour when they learn to tell the time to the ¼ hour. As your child progresses through KS2, fractions, decimals and percentages are introduced within the 4 basic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) and as a way to handle data and calculate probability.
For more information on fractions, decimals and percentages, and how they are calculated, please click on the information sheet link below:
I've written a summary sheet for fractions/decimals/percentages, mainly so parents have a document that gives the terms referred to with fractions etc. If can you check I have the right methods included, and I can update the Word document if necessary. Thanks.
Videos you may find useful:
(I found some videos on You Tube that might be useful as a starting point when making our own - links below)
(I found some videos on You Tube that might be useful as a starting point when making our own - links below)
How to add fractions with differing denominators - part 1:
How to add fractions with differing denominators - part 2:
How to subtract fractions:
Multiplying fractions:
(not sure if we need this, or if it is beyond primary?)
(not sure if we need this, or if it is beyond primary?)
An overview of adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing fractions:
(I'm not sure that the methods are correct, i.e. she doesn't find the LCM first before adding but her way does seem quite easy to remember)
(I'm not sure that the methods are correct, i.e. she doesn't find the LCM first before adding but her way does seem quite easy to remember)
Calculating percentages of whole numbers:
(not sure if this is the method used at Haydonleigh but liked the idea of including a little video on finding percentages of numbers)
Fractions printable cards and visual aid sheets
KS2 BBC BiteSize games
Y2-Y6 fraction games and exercises from Whizz
Fractions, decimals and percentages games from Woodlands Junior School
Lots of fraction games
Ordering fractions, decimals and percentages from ICT Games
Ordering fractions, decimals and percentages from ICT Games