Number Bonds and Place Value
One of the most important starting points in numeracy is to learn and understand the relationship between numbers. Children are taught number bonds - pairs of numbers that make up another number. This gives a solid foundation to build upon when tackling more complicated sums. Once a child has learnt the number bonds to 10, they can quickly grasp that if 3+7=10, then 13+7=20 and 30+70=100.
Another key element to progressing well in numeracy is to have a good understanding of place value - the value of a digit depending on its place, or position, in the number. Each place has a value of 10 times the place to its right. To understand place value, children are taught the number sense behind groups of 10, moving from viewing 'ten' as 10 units but also as 1 ten. This starts with partitioning the teen numbers, i.e. 15 is 1 ten and 5 units. As the children progress to working with larger numbers, the place values for hundreds, thousands and beyond are introduced.
For more information on number bonds and place value, please click on the information sheet links below:
I've written summary sheets for number bonds and place value, I wasn't sure whether to put them in their own 'button' but I think they are key areas the children need to understand to give a good start in maths before moving on to the other operations I have done sections for - and perhaps not all parents will know what number bonds are (I know I didn't when it was written in my son's Reception report in the 'I need to work on' section). These are in Word so can be edited if necessary.
Number bonds document:
Place value document:
Videos you may find useful:
I couldn't find any example videos on You Tube, not sure there really is anything we can do for a video clip on these subjects?
Links to worksheets and games you may find useful:
Number bonds (select the total to create worksheets)
Number bonds practise from Ambleside C.E. Primary School
BBC Number Time - Making Numbers
KS1 BBC BiteSize
Lots of place value games
Links to worksheets and games you may find useful:
Number bonds (select the total to create worksheets)
Number bonds practise from Ambleside C.E. Primary School
BBC Number Time - Making Numbers
KS1 BBC BiteSize
Lots of place value games