The Curriculum
Learning throughout the school takes place within the framework of the National Curriculum and the aims of the school. The pursuit of excellence is, we believe, a very necessary goal and we will strive to help children to gain a sense of achievement and to have pride in the quality of their work.
The children may be taught as a class, within a group or occasionally as an individual according to whatever is appropriate for that particular area of learning.
Wherever possible, the children’s learning will be drawn from first hand experience and active participation. We will demand high standards from our children within realistic expectations but, above all, will be concerned with an enjoyment of, and an enthusiasm for, learning.
The National Curriculum consists of three core subjects and six foundation subjects plus R.E. At primary stage it is divided into three stages: The Foundation Stage, Key Stage 1 from 5 to 7 years and Key Stage 2 from 7 to 11 years.
The curriculum is enriched with project weeks, when children have the opportunity to take part in a topic of their choice. This is an important opportunity for children to apply the skills developed in the curriculum independently.
Please select one of the subjects to find out more:
(I'm not sure if having all these links is practical on the website, but would be nice to have a bit of info about all the subjects, and then we can expand them as time and resources allow. I've not included MFL as there isn't really much said about it in the prospectus - should it be included in a little more detail here for completeness?)
Then for each link (either to a new page, or could we jump down to the correct section further down a page if possible/more practical?) we can use the wording from the prospectus and add extra info and/or links if relevant - the links I have listed are the most common used on other schools' sites. Would be good if we can have some photos of curriculum related activities and/or displays on each page - perhaps go to each class and take a photo relevant to one of the subjects so whole school represented?
(numeracy is on a separate post as I am trying to expand that one, I think Helen would be willing to enhance the literacy side)
The National Curriculum divides into three areas.
1. Speaking and Listening
2. Reading
3. Writing (this includes spelling and handwriting)
Reading is central to achievement and is a complex area of learning. At Haydonleigh we will use a variety of teaching methods which encompass both phonic and word recognition skills.
Children will have a reading scheme and other fiction books suited to their level of ability and also access to a wider range of books in school.
Children will bring books home daily and we appreciate the support that parents are able to give their children in this important area of learning. You should hear your child read every day.
Formal handwriting will be taught and a great deal of emphasis placed upon presentation and accuracy of written work.
Children will be given many opportunities to write prose and poetry and therefore develop ways in which they can use and present their ideas through writing.
Listening carefully and thoughtfully and speaking to express themselves clearly is seen as important.
Haydonleigh has implemented the National Literacy Strategy and all classes will have time each day dedicated to literacy teaching. Children are also given opportunities to develop and apply their literacy skills in other areas of the curriculum.
The Department for Education booklet 'Understanding progress in English: a guide for parents' may be helpful if you wish to view the targets for each level. It also includes some ideas on activities you can do with your child to support the development of their speaking and listening, reading and writing at home and help them make progress.
(it says it's archived and may not be the latest guidance - but from what I can find online it is still current...??)
Please use your child's year group page to find out what they are learning about each term.
Possible links to include:
KS1 BBC Bite Size
KS2 BBC Bite Size
KS2 BBC Bite Size
Geography is concerned with the study of places, the human and physical processes that shape them and the people who live in them.
Within each yearly programme of study a broad range of geographical skills and knowledge are taught. The method of learning will depend on the activity taking place and may include fieldwork, the use of video and photographic resources, atlases, books and ICT.
Please use your child's year group page to find out what they are learning about each term.
Possible links to include:
Barnaby Bear
What Is Weather?
Rivers & Coasts
What Is Weather?
Rivers & Coasts
An understanding of the past helps us to understand the present.
Children will be finding out about differences between then and now using primary and secondary sources.
They will also be finding out about famous people and events.
At Key Stage 2 the children will study ancient civilisations, various periods in British history, trade, communication and aspects of local history.
Aspects of Science, Geography and History are organised in themes or topics so that similar aspects of the subjects are studied at the same time.
Please use your child's year group page to find out what they are learning about each term.
Possible links to include:
BBC DynaMo's History
The Great Fire of London
KS1 BBC History Games
KS2 BBC History Games
The Great Fire of London
KS1 BBC History Games
KS2 BBC History Games
The National Curriculum divides into four areas.
1. Experimental and Investigative Science
2. Life Processes and Living Things
3. Materials and their Properties
4. Physical Processes
Science is, rightly, a major part of the Primary Curriculum. We aim to develop every child’s scientific investigative skills. The structure of our Science teaching will involve revisiting the different areas of study every two years at a higher level each time.
Please use your child's year group page to find out what they are learning about each term.
Possible links to include:
BBC DynaMo's Lab
Science Essentials
The Solar System
KS2 BBC Bite Size
Science Essentials
The Solar System
KS2 BBC Bite Size
Physical Education (PE)
All the children, throughout the school, have access to a minimum of 2 hours curriculum time PE, with many more sports clubs and sporting opportunities after school. Throughout primary school our aim is to help children improve and strengthen the core skills of agility, balance and coordination. Children are given opportunities to explore dance, gymnastics and games, as well as swimming and outdoor and adventurous activities.
Please use your child's year group page to find out what they are learning about each term.
Music in the National Curriculum is divided into two sections:
1. Performing and composing
2. Listening and appreciating
Our main aim is to foster and develop a love and appreciation of a wide range of music. The children will study musical forms through the ages from the classics right through to modern day pop.
We use a published scheme and this is divided into different programmes of study, all with specific learning objectives.
In addition to class music we have a thriving singing group which meets after school. We also offer instrumental tuition to Key Stage 2 children by visiting peripatetic teachers. At the present time these instruments include clarinet, flute, guitar, piano and violin.
Please use your child's year group page to find out what they are learning about each term.
Art in the National Curriculum is divided into investigation, making, knowledge and understanding.
Through carefully planned schemes of work the children will be taught the creative, imaginative and practical skills needed to express their ideas and feelings. They will undertake this through 2D and 3D work.
Children will also study well-known artists finding out about them and their painting styles.
Please use your child's year group page to find out what they are learning about each term.
Religious Education (RE)
Religious Education in school is taught in accordance with the Swindon Agreed Syllabus using the Swindon Scheme of Work. RE’s main focus is Christianity but children will also be learning about other world faiths including Judaism and Islam.
They will be developing a range of cross curricular skills and attitudes such as empathy and respect for others and will learn how to express their values and beliefs.
Each day children will have an assembly which will have either a religious, moral or social theme. Many of our assemblies focus on celebrating the children’s achievements and building self-esteem.Parents may, if they wish, withdraw their children from the arrangements for assembly and religious education. Please could any such request be made to the Headteacher in writing.
Please use your child's year group page to find out what they are learning about each term.
Personal, Social and Health Education (PHSE)
We seek to encourage all children to live healthy lives. They will learn about healthy living, including the value of relaxation and healthy eating.
Sex Education includes study from the Science National Curriculum and is dealt with in a sensitive way which is appropriate to the age and understanding of the children concerned.
A meeting is held for Year 6 parents so that they know what is being shown to and said to their child.
Parents have the right to withdraw their child from Sex Education that is outside the National Curriculum. Parents wishing to withdraw their child should discuss this with the Headteacher.
Please use your child's year group page to find out what they are learning about each term.
Design & Technology (DT)
Design and Technology enables children to gain skills and knowledge in a variety of problem solving situations. They may work as a member of a team or partnership or on an individual task. They will learn to use a variety of materials and tools safely and competently as they progress through the school. We aim for them to evaluate and become self critical of their work
and learn to modify and adapt their designs with confidence.
Please use your child's year group page to find out what they are learning about each term.
Information Communication Technology (ICT)
ICT is well served at Haydonleigh: we have a networked suite of fifteen PCs, which are desktop computers connected to the internet in a purpose built ICT room; we have a further ten PCs in our shared area and fourteen in classrooms, as well as a mobile unit housing twenty laptops, resulting in easier ICT access for the whole school. All machines have connections to colour printers.
Children only use the internet facilities under the supervision of a teacher.
In addition to the above we also have fourteen interactive whiteboards and projectors installed in classrooms.
Pupils are taught the knowledge and skills of ICT and also how to use these to enhance other areas of the curriculum. We view ICT as a tool to aid learning.
Please use your child's year group page to find out what they are learning about each term.